Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Groovy June Happenings

Summer is definitely upon us, and I look forward to the warmest months with a happy, grateful heart. June is a month filled with planetary activities that guide us along on our journey, so let’s begin with the biggies.

We can all breathe a collective sigh of relief now that Mercury is again back at work and moving forward in direct motion. It’s important to note, however, that while Mercury turned direct on May 30, we can still count on a few residual effects of the recent retrograde to last another week as our speedy messenger re-acclimates himself to his more typical ways of being. We’ll all likely spend the week following Mercury’s lead in some manner or another. (For more information on Mercury retrograde, please refer to my article, “On Mercury’s Path” Conscious Mind Journal, March 2009)

For those of us who rebelled against common sense (and my advice) and initiated any major changes, entered into agreements or made key decisions during this retrograde Mercury, you might want to prepare yourself. You just may realize that you acted rashly, burned a few bridges, and/or entered into contracts and agreements that you now wish you hadn’t. If this is the case, you may wish to take the first week of direct Mercury to scratch your head awhile, wondering whatever possessed you to do such a thing, and then begin to figure out how to work with the energies you’ve likely created. Perhaps some damage control is in order, yes?

For those of us who used this Mercury retrograde period effectively for quiet, inward-directed contemplation, reassessment and planning, you may wish to wait a week or so to fine-tune your results, and then begin to implement your new-found ideas and plans. Every once in awhile a break in action is beneficial for inspiring us to review and make adjustments, so feeling gratitude for this period of pause is a very good thing.

Interestingly enough, Neptune, our planet of high intuition and sometimes overwhelming confusion, took up the retrograde baton on May 28th. Neptune in Aquarius will remain in retrograde motion until November 4, 2009, stimulating heightened sensitivity and awareness. It will be easier for most of us to perceive information more clearly about issues that may have seemed complicated or just out of our grasp while Neptune was in direct motion. This gives us the opportunity to pay attention; listening to our inner guidance and seeing what is happening around us more accurately.

While you experience this new dynamic, it’s a good idea to allow yourself to communicate your feelings and insight to others; opening a sensory valve, as it were, to let out some pressure and relieve any sense of psychic overload you may experience during this retrograde episode. This is especially important for those of us who are highly sensitive, and is globally relevant to boot, since many perceptions gleaned during this time may prove highly beneficial for us all. Practicing good grounding techniques while we move through this time of uber insight will also be a good idea, since we are most effective while we’re exploring the ethers when we have good, solid footing on the Earth at the same time. Carrying grounding stones, such as black tourmaline, jet or onyx along with green malachite will help in this process.

At just about the same time Neptune was shifting gears, Mars moved into Taurus on May 31, and will languish there until July 11. The blending of dynamic Mars with determined Taurus will be a quietly powerful one. Whatever actions we take during this period are likely to be productive, methodical and proficient. Impatient folks may feel a bit frustrated during this time, when our naturally impetuous Martian energies are slowed down considerably by the plodding nature of Taurean energies. It’s okay, however, if you think about it this way: Your activities will be much more thorough, and it’s likely that you’ll see them through effectively during this transit.

We will all do well to take this opportunity while Mars is in Taurus to roll up our sleeves and get to work on implementing all those plans and ideas we created during retrograde Mercury. Now is the time to get the physical work out of the way, while our stamina is high, and pave the way to the future sharing of our ideas and progress with others. Being mindful of our temperament is a good idea, by the way, since Mars in Taurus may inspire some pretty fierce fireworks if provoked. If you’re feeling backed into a corner, it’s a good idea to take a moment to breathe and count to ten before charging though any proverbial china shops you may encounter along the way.

Venus will join Mars in Taurus on June 6th, and will continue her visit until July 5th. Venusian energies will flourish during this period, since she will be in the sign she naturally rules. While there, she will likely inspire sensuality and pleasurable pursuits in many of us, and perhaps even a bit of overindulgence in some sensory form or another. Such is her nature, after all. There is also a possibility that this transit could inspire some of us to become more grounded and purposeful in the way we conduct ourselves in relationships, with our finances, and in practicing the Law of Attraction. We may find that our abilities to manifest our desires are heightened. It is important, therefore, to become mindful of any tendency we may have to gauge our sense of self-worth to our material possessions. We are not our possessions, and the quality of our lives is heightened more by intangibles such as how we behave with and care for each other, not in what we acquire. To make the best use of Venus’s transit through Taurus, be sure to take some time out for relaxing Venusian activities, such as enjoying the sunset, visiting an art museum, listening to music, and pampering yourself and another in healthy, sensual ways.

Following Venus’s lead, Mercury will re-enter Gemini, the sign of his own rulership, on June 13th. (Note that Mercury’s reverse motion brought him back into Taurus during the retrograde.) Expect mental processes and all things Mercury to be seriously amped up, especially since this transit so closely follows Mercury going direct again. Happily spastic info-gathering activities can result, along with the desire to chatter about your findings to anyone and everyone.

Finally, Jupiter will move into retrograde motion in Aquarius on June 15th until October 12th, 2009. Jupiter’s retrograde motion will inspire us to focus on inner growth and awareness, and is a great time to hone our principles of integrity. We’ll likely be moved to adopt a bit of a philosophical perspective, and many may also choose to return to school, take a long trip, or reconnect with a lost friend or loved one.

However you choose to experience the dynamic planetary energies this month, I wish you a joyous heart.

Happy Solstice everyone!


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